Line of dual mobility cups suitable for primary and reconstruction total hip arthroplasty.
Available in cemented, cementless versions.
Dual mobility implies that the liner moves within the metal cup and the femoral head moves within the liner; this increases the joint's stability and reduces wear.
In clinical use since 2000.
“Some devices may not be approved in your country, please contact your local distributor for further information”
Cementless hemispherical cup with flattened pole maximises the press-fit effect.
No fixation holes means that articulating surface is smooth and continuous
Anatomical cut-out in the equator area matches the posterior edge of the acetabulum and helps prevent dislocation. The depth of this anatomical cut-out is proportional to the cup’s diameter.
Material: stainless steel
Coating: plasma-sprayed titanium (80 µm) + HAP (80 µm)
Primary fixation ensured by +0.5 mm equatorial press-fit:
- Inverted chevron-shaped notches provide rotation stability
- Horizontal parallel grooves around equator optimise hold of cup in bone
Bearing surface with liner is highly polished
Rounded and highly polished cup rim to prevent liner abrasion during joint reduction and to minimise wear if femoral neck contact was to occur.
Femoral head retention ensured by retaining mechanism at its recess threshold
Chamfer at threshold of retaining mechanism delays contact with stem neck, allows greater clearance of femoral stem in liner and helps to reduce PE wear
Liners available for 22.2 mm or 28 mm femoral heads
Material: UHMWPE
SATURNE instrumentation can be used during conventional surgery or with Computer Assisted Surgery (AMPLVISION):
- Computer Assisted Surgery of the cup and femoral stem helps to maintain leg length and offset
Comprehensive line of dual mobility cups:
- Cemented or cementless
Identical cup shape for all 3 versions
Common liner for all 3 versions