The i.M.A.G.E. system consists of single-use instruments that match the patient's anatomy. These instruments are used to position the pins on which the femoral and tibial resection guides will be placed, as set out in the pre-operative plan. Alternative to conventional and navigated surgery when implanting Amplitude's primary TKA products.
"Some devices may not be approved in your country, please contact your local distributor for further information."
Simplifies the surgical technique by decreasing the surgical steps
Option to adjust femoral rotation during the surgical procedure
Online order management
3D pre-operative surgical planning
Manufactured in-house at Amplitude
Compatible with SCORE(r) and ANATOMIC(r) primary TKA
Compatible with 4-in-1 and 5-in-1 femoral resection techniques
based on CT scan images
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i.M.A.G.E. est un système d'aide à la pose de prothèses totales de genou. Les positionneurs de broches i.M.A.G.E., fabriqués par AMPLITUDE, sont des dispositifs médicaux sur-mesure. Le logiciel de planification i.M.A.G.E., développé par AMPLITUDE, est un dispositif médical de classe I. Il convient de lire attentivement les instructions des étiquettes et les notices d'utilisation des dispositifs. Référence interne : 19/03/AMPLITUDE/PM/001.